中国文化人物(记者 苏晴)玉兔欢歌辞旧岁,金龙起舞迎新春。1月27日晚,由全日本华侨华人社团联合会主办,日本华侨华人联合总会、日本东京华侨总会、日本中华总商会、中国文化人物杂志社协办,中华人民共和国驻日本国大使馆、中国文化中心、在日中国企业协会、中国国际教育台、日中协会、日中经济协会、中国国际航空、四川航空、日中友好会馆支持的“2024年全日本华侨华人龙年春晚”在日本东京隆重举行。中国驻日本国特命全权大使吴江浩,主办方代表、全日本华侨华人社团联合会理事长贺乃和,中国驻日本大使馆公使施泳、总领事陈巍、文化处公使衔参赞陈铮、参赞赵刚、领事王宝峰,全日本华侨华人社团联合会会长何德伦,在日中国企业协会会长王家驯,东京华侨总会会长陈隆进,日本中华总商会评议会会长严浩,全华联领导团队全员及各界嘉宾将亲临现场,与在日侨胞共同庆祝龙年春节。中国书法家协会名誉主席苏士澍将在北京为本届春晚题写“福”字,向在日华侨华人送上节日祝福。
本次春晚分两部分,共27个节目,有近200位舞台演员参与演出。在9个舞蹈类节目中,有展现渔家女勤劳、淳朴、乐观上进、坚韧豁达的舞蹈《珊瑚颂》,也有儿童表演的高难度舞蹈《碇步桥》,有展示民族风情、民族精神的民族服装秀《中华民族一家亲》,也有把西班牙舞、伦巴舞、恰恰舞巧妙的结合的舞蹈《情热》,等等。此外,还有著名唢呐演奏家周本鸣的唢呐表演《百鸟朝凤》《东风起》,日本青春演唱组合EPITHMiA演唱的《世界唯有一枝花》,苗族歌王蝶当久的男声独唱《对歌对到日落坡》《苗岭》,蒙古长调、马头琴演奏《律动的草原》《大草原和野马》,中国戏剧梅花奖得主杨少彭表演的现代京剧《打虎上山》,钢琴、小提琴、二胡三重奏 《星之追月》,青年男中音歌唱家程音聪演唱的《长江之歌》,儿童情景诗《欢天喜地过大年》,古筝合奏《春节序曲》,原创歌曲《飞翔》,女高音歌唱家阮欣欣、男高音歌唱家姜延岐、女高音歌唱家程林蔓绮、男高音歌唱家段正浩表演的男女四重唱《饮酒歌》,女生独唱《父老乡亲》等精彩节目。
【Global live】The 2024 Spring Festival Gala for the Year of the Dragon for All Overseas Chinese in Japan will be held on January 27 in Tokyo, Japan
Chinese Cultural Figures (Reporter: Su Qing) People joyfully bid farewell to the Year of the Rabbit and welcome the arrival of the Year of the Dragon. On the evening of January 27, the 2024 Spring Festival Gala for Year of the Dragon for All Overseas Chinese in Japan is held in Tokyo, Japan. The gala is organized by the All-Japan Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations, co-organized by Japanese Federation of Overseas Chinese, Tokyo Association of Overseas Chinese, Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Japan and Chinese Cultural Figures Magazine, and supported by Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Japan, China cultural center, China Enterprises Association (Japan), China Educational Channels, Japan-China Communication Association, Japan-China Economic Association, Air China, Sichuan Airlines, Japan-China Friendship Association. Leaders and guests from all walks of life who attend the gala and celebrate the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon with overseas Chinese in Japan involve Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Japan Wu Jianghao, organizer's representative and Chairman of All-Japan Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations He Naihe, Minister of the Chinese Embassy in Japan Shi Yong and Consul General Chen Wei, Minister Counsellor of the Department of Culture Chen Zheng, counselor Zhao Gang, consul Wang Baofeng, President of All-Japan Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations He Delun, President of China Enterprise Association (Japan) Wang Jiaxun, President of the Overseas Chinese Association in Tokyo Chen Longjin, Chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Japan Yan Hao, and leadership team members of All-Japan Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations. Su Shishu, honorary president of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, writes "福" for the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing to convey holiday greetings to overseas Chinese in Japan.
The All-Japan Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations is the largest overseas Chinese society in Japan and has successfully organized large-scale cultural events and art festivals in its 20 years of existence, aiming to celebrate every memorable day of China and Japan and the Chinese people's own festivals. In January 2020, the Spring Festival Gala of All-Japan Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations was held in Japan for the first time and achieved a sensational effect, and the event is held every year since then. In 2024, the All-Japan Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations will adhere to the concept of "reproducing classics and building the future together", and once again invite famous artists and emerging idol groups from China and Japan to provide a wonderful gala with strong Chinese New Year atmosphere to overseas Chinese in Japan.
The Spring Festival Gala involves two parts and a total of 27 programs, and nearly 200 performers will participate in the performance. There are a total of nine dance programs, including the dance "Ode to Coral", which eulogizes the hard-working, honest, optimistic and enterprising fisher maiden, the children's dance "Dingbuqiao Bridge", the national costume show "The Chinese Nation is a Big Loving Family", which shows the national customs and national spirit, and the dance "Passion", which combines Spanish dance, rumba dance and cha-cha dance skillfully. In addition, there are some other brilliant shows, such as "Birds Paying Homage to The Phoenix" and "The East Wind Rises" by famous suona player Zhou Benming, "There is Only One Flower in the World" by EPITHMiA, "Sing till sunset" and "Miaoling Mountains" by "King of Miao Singing" Die Dang Jiu, Mongolian long tune folk song, morin khuur "The Grassland with Rhythm" and "Prairie and Wild Horses", modern Beijing Opera "Killing Tiger on the Mountain" by winner of Plum Blossom Award Yang Shaopeng, piano, violin and erhu trio "Chasing the Moon", "Song of the Yangtze River" by young baritone singer Cheng Yincong, Children's scene poem "Happy New Year", Zheng ensemble "Spring Festival Overture", original song "Flying", male/female duet "Drinking Song" performed by soprano Ruan Xinxin, tenor Jiang Yanqi, soprano Cheng Lin Manqi and tenor Duan Zhenghao, and female Solo "Folks", etc.
According to Cheng Bo, the chief director of the 2024 Spring Festival Gala for the Year of the Dragon for All Overseas Chinese in Japan, "reproducing classics and building the future together" is to re-introduce the classic shows that have always been the favorite of overseas Chinese audiences on the Chinese stage to this Spring Festival Gala in a new form. At the same time, the gala will also showcase original and innovative programs performed by Chinese and Japanese artists. In addition, the Spring Festival Gala also invites well-known young artists to perform, and the star-studded 2024 Spring Festival Gala stage will surely be colorful and excellent!
The 2024 Spring Festival Gala for the Year of the Dragon for All Overseas Chinese in Japan will be broadcast simultaneously at home and abroad by Chinese Cultural Figures, Chinanews-vip.com.cn, ccpvip.cn, TV.cn and other media.
(Editor in charge: Zhang Yan, Liu Sheng)
今回の春節晚会は二部構成、計27のプログラムが用意され、出演者はおよそ200人。勤勉で、素朴、楽観的、強靱で大らかな漁師の女性を表現した『珊瑚頌』、子供たちによる難易度の高い舞踊『碇步橋』、さらに、民族の風情や精神を披露する民族衣装ファッションショー『中華民族一家親』、フラメンコ、ルンバ、チャチャを巧みに組み合わせたダンス『情热』など9つの舞踊の演目や、著名なスオナ奏者の周本鳴による『百鳥朝鳳』『東風起』、日本のダンス&ボーカルグループEPITHMiAによる『世界に一つだけの花』『飛翔』、苗族の歌王蝶当久による『対歌対到日落坡』『苗岭』、モンゴルのオルティンドーと馬頭琴の演奏『Whole of Energy』『大草原和野馬』、中国戯曲梅花賞受賞者の楊少彭による現代京劇『打虎上山』、ピアノ、バイオリン、二胡のトリオによる『星之追月』、若手バリトン歌手程音聪による歌唱『龍的伝人』、児童情景詩『歓天喜地過大年』、古箏アンサンブル『春節序曲』、ソプラノ歌手程林蔓綺、阮欣欣とテノール歌手姜延岐、段正浩による男女四重唱『飲酒歌』、女性ソロ『父老郷親』など、多彩で魅力的なプログラムが用意されている。
(文責:張彦、劉升 翻訳:馬場雪絵)